Monday, April 13, 2009

taking care of M.E.

one of my most dislike in life is people who just simply DON'T CARE...i think that this world will become a better place if people care..GENUINELY CARE...hmm nothing boils me up when i meet heartless folks who only cares for themselves...selfish but i give people time to learn because i too used to be one who doesn't...but personally i'm tired, i'm just plain tired of pouring myself on people who simply just aren't there for you when you need problem is is that I'M A HABITUAL `CARER'..i care too much, i care even if it has nothing to do with me, which can be a bad thing when it engulfs your every being and begins to affect my daily thoughts and actions...maybe its just me but i grow tired of `friends' who for the most part are good people but lacks the substance to be great people...i mean how much do we invest in a relationship for it to work, hmm maybe i'm just a bit dramatic but really why do we only call anyone, when we need something or want something...whats the point of growth if we become people of just simply a `filler' in someones else's lack...obviously i have to be more mature in this and really be smart...i have to invest in people who in turn become good at investing in others..sounds selfish but without it, all i be doing is feeding an end without an outpour...i want to learn just as much as everyone on this earth and try to really let God deal with me because i believe only him can change me and at the same time i got have enough courage to be a man of integrity and not waiver at the first sign of `hype' with that folks, i end this entry

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